Friday, May 1, 2009

Origins of Wolverine review.

I must say I know a little bit about Wolverine and I feel like after watching this movie I know a little more. I thought that it was interesting to know where he came from and how everything was set in motion for him to become what we know him as. I thought the character was awesome. Jackman did a good job playing wolverine again. But he was over shadowed by the acting skills of Liev Schreiber who plays Victor Creed aka Sabretooth. He was amazing in his part, played it perfectly. Pretty much all of the actors played the roles really well. The only thing I would change was to have the person that played Remy LeBeau aka Gambit to have a cajon accent, other then that they casted perfectly. But he did a good job but it could have made my favorite character better.

Some of the graphics and sounds in the movie where ruff. There is a time that Wolverine first looks at his claws they look like shit. They look as if they didnt even spend the time to make it look realistic. It was like they just gave up on the situation or they ran out of money, or they where trying to get it out before it was really ready. Some of the sounds in the move where really off. They just made some really loud noises that didnt go with the scenes.

Other than some of the affects and sounds it was a movie that was worth seeing. It was good but not great so I give it three and a half stars. Go see it and you will be entertained from start to finish.

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